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Best Mode IP Law Group Provides International Intellectual Property Services

US and Japan

One-stop-shop for all your IP needs in the US and Japan

Best Mode IP Law, PLLC in Austin, Texas, and Best Mode IP Law Japan in Fukuoka, Japan work together to assist clients needing legal assistants related to intellectual property.  From obtaining patents to business negotiations, we are proud to work with our clients to provide a top-notch service in both US and Japan. 

Looking for legal services related to Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Internatinal Business, Infringement Analysis, Innovation Harvesting, Competitor Analysis, IP Portfolio Management, Business Formation, or International Business Negotiation?  We are here to assist!

*Best Mode IP Law Japan is a dba of Hirai & Associates

IP Protections in USA

Best Mode IP Law, PLLC

IP Protections in Japan


Our US Patent Attorneys, US Lawyers, US Patent Agents, Japanese Lawyers, and Japanese Patent Attorneys will assist with all your IP needs!